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MASE is the official Malta representative of the main international supported employment institutions in both European and international levels. Apart from also being members of the European Network for Independent Living (ENIL), MASE is the Malta representative of:


The European Association for Supported Employment Europe (ASEE) was established in 1993 to facilitate the development of Supported Employment throughout Europe. Supported Employment assists people with significant disabilities (physical, intellectual, psychiatric, sensory and hidden) to access real employment opportunities, of their own choice, in an integrated setting with appropriate ongoing support to become economically and socially active in their own communities. 


ASEE works to achieve this through the promotion of the Supported Employment model, the exchange of information and knowledge on good practice in Supported Employment and the development of model services. ASEE provides a platform for networking with other organisations and associations at European and worldwide level. 


Role and Activities 


The main activities of the Association for Supported Employment Europe include: 


• Organising the ASEE Conference, which is held bi-annually. 

• Exchanging information via regular mail shots, and now, thanks to this project through newsletters, email and website ( 

• Influencing European social and economic policy. 

• Networking with other European Associations and working with worldwide organisations. 

• Developing new National Associations – assisting and supporting organisations to establish their own National Associations 

• Campaigning and lobbying for the rights of people with significant disabilities to access vocational training and employment. 

• Researching and developing models of good practice, staff training, quality standards, self-advocacy, capacity building and legislation.

• Membership services and support for National Associations 


MASE was proud to co-host, in February 2017, a European conference on Supported Employment in Malta in which all the European National Associations and the highest ASEE leadership were present and congratulated the work done by MFOPD and MASE in Malta.


To access premises on foot to go through 400, Triq il-Kbira San Ġużepp,
Santa Venera



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